No one wants to score poor grades or fail the 98-367 exam, it all depends on your decision, nothing more. The success of the 98-367 exam can have a big impact on your career, especially if you are an IT professional. Many IT professionals want success, but they fail. Just because of their choice, but if you get the latest 98-367 study materials, you can easily achieve excellent results in the 98-367 exam. help you easy to pass.Real 98-367 Dumps from

98-367 Exam Overview
Security Fundamentals
Candidates are expected to have some hands-on experience with Windows Server, Windows-based networking, Active Directory, anti-malware products, firewalls, network topologies and devices, and network ports.It can serve as a stepping stone to the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) exams.
Expertise required for 98-367 Exam:
- Understand security layers (25–30%)
- Understand operating system security (35-40%)
- Understand network security (20–25%)
- Understand security software (15–20%)
Who Benefits
- Candidates with basic safety knowledge and skills
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Key Learning Areas: Understand operating system security

Understand user authentication:Multifactor authentication; physical and virtual smart cards; Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS); biometrics; use Run As to perform administrative tasks
Understand permissions:File system permissions; share permissions; registry; Active Directory; enable or disable inheritance; behavior when moving or copying files within the same disk or on another disk; multiple groups with different permissions; basic permissions and advanced permissions; take ownership; delegation; inheritance
Understand password policies:Password complexity; account lockout; password length; password history; time between password changes; enforce by using Group Policies; common attack methods; password reset procedures; protect domain user account passwords
Understand audit policies:Types of auditing; what can be audited; enable auditing; what to audit for specific purposes; where to save audit information; how to secure audit information
Understand encryption:Encrypting file system (EFS); how EFS-encrypted folders impact moving/copying files; BitLocker (To Go); TPM; software-based encryption; MAIL encryption and signing and other uses; virtual private network (VPN); public key/private key; encryption algorithms; certificate properties; certificate services; PKI/certificate services infrastructure; token devices; lock down devices to run only trusted applications
Understand malware:Buffer overflow; viruses, polymorphic viruses; worms; Trojan horses; spyware; ransomware; adware; rootkits; backdoors; zero day attacks
The importance of completing MTA certification:
Successfully passed the 98-367 exam to get the MTA certification. MTA certification provides the foundation necessary to obtain certification from Microsoft Certified Solution Partners (MCSA) or Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD). MTA certification creates a new entry point to help people who are not familiar with IT start their careers.
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